Sunday, February 23, 2014

5 Weeks until Shamrock Shuffle!

Today is the last Sunday in February so next week's Shuffle update will be the first one I can say, "This month I'm running an 8k!!" Eeeek!!

Today I stepped up to 3.5 miles. I set my pace super slow because I wasn't sure how my knee and shins were going to hold up. By doing so, I still felt really good at the end of the run. I think around mile 2.75 I must have been putting my weight in a weird place when I landed because I got the tingling feeling in my right foot for a few laps. I slowed down and made sure to move my foot around and flexed it as much as I could while running and I was back in business in no time. 

This week's training schedule looks like this:
Monday: stretch and strength (upper body & arms)
Tuesday: 2.5 mile run
Wednesday: 40 min cross train (I'm going to try swimming laps)
Thursday: 2 mile run + strength (legs)
Friday: rest
Saturday: 50 min cross train. I'll be home going to the Blackhawks game. We'll be doing a lot of walking from the train station to Soldier Field so I'm going to call that good enough.
Sunday: 4 mile run

In non-training news, I'm sitting here watching the closing ceremonies for the 2014 Sochi Olympics and I'm so bummed that the Olympics are over. I watch any and everything I can for both the summer and winter Olympics. I love seeing all the top athletes of the world come together to compete. It might not have been the best showing for the US, but we still did very well. I have grown tired of hearing the complaints about how "bad we suck this time." We don't suck. We just got beat or we beat ourselves. It happens. That's life. It will make us hungrier for Pheongchang in 2018.  But countdown to Rio in 2016 begins tonight! I can't wait for the summer games!

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