Monday, January 20, 2014

Motivation Monday

Mondays can be such a drag. I usually have no motivation for anything. And you know that Mondays are when all hell breaks loose and then you want to come home and just stuff your face and crash on the couch, binge watching dramas you saved on your dvr.

While my desk seems to continue to get buried under tasks that I can't seem to make any headway on, it was a fun day because we had our monthly all building meeting and they always recognize some employees and do some giveaways. I walked away with both being recognized and winning the meeting attendance giveaway! I got a couple gift cards to our favorite grocery store and that made my day.

Since I was riding the happy train, I made sure to get us over to the Y for a workout. I busted out a nice 30 minute run and felt good about it. I am aiming to try out the deep water water fitness class tomorrow. I can be very extroverted in life but yet I am always shy when trying out classes of any kind. I just have to jump into the deep end. Bad pun intended. 

Anyway, I know this particular day of the week can be a drag but if you're having a case of the Mondays, keep trudging on!

For this week's dose of motivation I will leave you with these pins.
And my favorite one from my workout shirt tonight:
Run Hard
Run Fast
Run Happy
Just Run 

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