Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Silence Explained


No I haven't forgotten about this blog. Nor have I gone on a binge fest and gained back weight.

One of those is sort of true though. 

The Shamrock Shuffle was two days into stims (drugs) for the IVF cycle that my husband and I were undergoing. After that, no exercise was allowed by my RE (reproductive endocrinologist) through the remainder of the cycle. 

On 4/8 we had our embryo retrieval and then we transferred two perfect blasts on 4/13. 7 days later I got a BFP and it was confirmed with beta #1 two days after that! It had been six and a half years of battling infertility and was/is such a crazy reality right now. 

I'm currently 11 weeks pregnant with one little baby - or "the bunny" as we refer to it. I am Team Green and will not find out the sex unless we have to for some reason. My due date is December 29th. 

My workouts are restricted right now. I'm not allowed to do anything too strenuous and my heart rate should stay at or below 140bpm. I wasn't allowed to swim until the first u/s either. Basically the only thing I have been doing is going for 30 minute walks in the evening...when I haven't fallen asleep at 7:30 that is...

IVFs tend to make you gain some bloat and/or pounds and I'm happy to say that even with the massive amounts of bloating I had from the 21 retrieved embryos, to date I'm only up 4.5 lbs from the beginning of the cycle. I'm not trying to limit my foods and I haven't been tracking on MFP at all. :( It was weird figuring out how many calories I should be at to maintain. That was nearly double what I was doing for my weight loss! I have felt like some days I've completely gorged but then when I add it up, I'm totally fine. My personal goal is to not gain more than 20 lbs. My doctor has not given me a talk about weight gain - mostly because he knows how much I worked at the loss. He has let me know that he will bring me in earlier for the dreaded glucose test because women with PCOS w/IR have a hard time processing insulin as it is so they are more inclined to develop gestational diabetes. Personally I'm almost banking on it for myself. I've indulged in cupcakes but I'm trying to do my best with the sugars. 

So...that is my update! I'm obviously not going to be doing the Disney Half in 2015 but I'm very happy to have this "excuse" to skip it. I've already told K that I'm going to run the 2016 Half. Once this baby is born the weight loss game is back on (obviously after I'm cleared to work out again) and I'm positive that I will continue to have success. 

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