Monday, February 24, 2014

Motivation Monday

This week's motivation is prompted by some kind words I have heard lately. I've had friends and acquaintances .reading this blog and my facebook updates and have been inspired or moved by my journey. They have said how proud they are of me and how happy they are to see me succeeding. A few have mentioned how much they are motivated by me.

Of course this makes me feel good that I can help them in their own respective journeys. It's not easy to commit to this big of an overhaul on your life. It takes a lot of dedication and hard work. I don't always want to go to the Y and get my workout in. I would love to not feel extreme guilt when I eat some of my favorite foods. I just want to eat my cheese sticks in peace dang it, lol. Some weeks I think, "Wouldn't it be nice to have an 'off, no diet' week?"

But I choose to keep going because I have to, even in those moments I don't want to. Want is such a hard action or thought to overcome. Nobody wants to be fat. They just become fat. Nobody wants to diet and watch what they eat. You have to want to lose the weight. You have to want that more than you want instant gratification. My god is it hard some days. But I remind myself that one day I will look back at this time and I will know that I was strong enough to accomplish something that is truly life changing. I know what it is like to be the thin girl. I want to have that back more than

I hope that all of you that are reading this, those of you trying to find the courage and strength to start off on your own journey, find your own success. You can do it!

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