Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Shamrock Shuffle On

I hit submit! I am officially signed up for my first 8k! As soon as I completed the registration the ball of anxiety came back. That stupid anxiety that I had before my first 5k last year. I can do this! I know I can. 

I just hope I am not dead last. That would suck.

When I posted on FB that I was signed up, my SIL chimed in with her well wishes...and then 20 minutes later she was posting that she signed up and was going to run it with me. Ok, on one hand, I'm so happy to have another race experience to do with her. I know she is in a little bit of a slump workout wise and so I am grateful to have a buddy in this. On the other hand, I'm slightly bummed that I am not going to run this one on my own. I think she also feels slightly guilty about ditching me in the Ugly Sweater Run in November but I was honestly ok running on my own. 

I'm not a fast runner. I am not a good runner either. She can run laps around me. And she can talk while running. That's something that I haven't mastered other than, "gaaah, want run slow(gasp)er in min? hhhuu?" And she's great about taking it at my pace. I just get self-conscious. I don't like feeling like I hold anyone back. I will be fighting to keep on pace with the allotted time for the race - which is far from an elite pace. She's a great motivator though and I love her to death so in the end I know it will be fine. I think I fear disappointing or frustrating her and that is stupid because we're very close. So I need to just shut the hell up and realize that I'm only causing myself needless stress ;-)

See, I just needed to talk it out. 

Excuse me while I go hyperventilate.

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